Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I love words. A lot. I think words are one of the most valuable things in existence. Just the right combination of words can bring someone to tears, laughter, rage, despair, or admiration. Words tell a story, portray beauty, cross boundaries. They teach, rebuke, encourage, reach, destroy, and restrain. My love of words no doubt stems from my love of reading and of learning. When I think of words I can't help but think of my Aunt Ila. All of us kids would receive books from her as gifts growing up. Alice in Wonderland. Chronicles of Narnia. The Tanglewoods' Secret. Aunt Ila also fostered my desire to learn new words. She taught me the very useful word 'discombobulated'. I used to have a notebook of each exciting word she would help me add to my vocabulary. I have since adopted her love of the written word.

There is so much power to be had in words. I titled my blog 'breath' for two reasons. Firstly, it was the name my college memoir class chose for the book we published containing a selection of our personal memoir stories. This is essentially an extension of that for me. 'Breath' comes from the quote that also appears at the top of my blog- 'fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.' Each word that is ever spoken or written is specifically chosen, selected from a myriad of words to serve a distinct purpose. Every word I speak or write is my very own choice. No one else can choose better words to express my heart than I. I alone know the breathings of my heart, I alone can fill pages of words to that intent.

Secondly, 'breath' is how Timothy describes the conception and inspiration of Scripture. God 'breathed' it into existence. Speaking words requires breath. God breathed life and truth into the words of the Bible. His words speak to our hearts with passion, power, purpose and principle. He also breathes life into his creation. With one breath he commands and is obeyed. These writings will be my heart's response. I respond with my breath, my words.

My entries will be words flowing from His breath's gifts to us- his Word and his creation. Because I have a love of words, I keep a compilation of words I read and hear that have reached my heart in one way or another- whether it be humor, pain, love, truth, direction, reminiscence, or confusion. Here will be a place I can explore those words with words. Breath for metaphorical breath.

I love words. And here are the pages of my heart. My breath.

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