Wednesday, January 1, 2014


“Almost. It’s a sad word in any man’s dictionary. Almost. It runs herd with nearly, next time, if only, and just about. It’s a word that smacks of missed opportunities, aborted efforts, and fumbled chances. It’s honorable mention, right field, on the bench, runner-up, and burnt cookies.” - Max Lucado

It’s 2014 now, and as I ponder what 2013 looked like, I’m wondering if I could make a case for the description above. Sure, God blessed us incredibly and his faithfulness was evident every day of the past year. And sure, we had many adventures and good conversations. But how did I really live my life?

Was 2013 a series of almosts? How many times did God nudge me in this direction or that and I just didn’t quite get there? How many days did I wake up and think- “Eh, I think I’ll just sit today out. I’ve done enough this week. I just want to curl up and forget about the world.” How many times did I shrug and say, “Maybe next time.”

I mean, I’ve burnt my fair share of cookies. I’ve won many second places. And I’ve warmed the bench a few times. Almost is certainly not a foreign word in my dictionary. But why am I okay with that? I don’t want my life to be one that could consistently be described with ‘almost.’ I want to live a full life- a life where I can say: I capitalized on that opportunity. I obeyed completely. I stopped rationalizing. I got off the bench, even when I didn’t have a fan section.

Max Lucado goes on to say, “[Jesus] never had room for almost in his vocabulary. You are either with him or against him. With Jesus nearly has to become certainly. Sometimes has to become always. If only has to become regardless. And next time has to become this time.”

I think our culture glorifies on-the-fence lifestyles. Living for ourselves, living not to offend. It’s comfortable. But comfort is complacency. Colorless. The fence is a fantasy. It doesn’t exist. It’s a deception of comfort and we fall for it all the time. It sounds good on paper, but what kind of life is that. It’s a life of almosts. Almost having an opinion. Almost living beyond ourselves. Almost having confidence. Almost making a difference.

Jesus calls us to forget the fence. There is no fence. He says we are either with him or against him. We can’t be on the fence. It’s not there. There is no almost. It’s not an option.

That is how I want 2014 and every year after that to look like for me. I don’t want to look back and think ‘Almost.’ I want to stop saying ‘If only’ and ‘Next time.’ I want others to look at how I live and wonder why there is no fence. Then they’ll know that we can’t get rid of the almost-lifestyle until we embrace a lifestyle with Christ.

I like VOTA’s song ‘Honestly’-
If you don't see the real me you won't see what mercy's done
If you don't see my weakness you won't see what love has won
If you don't see the distance from the darkness to the sun
You won't see, honestly

Abandoning ‘almost’ starts with honesty. Honesty about ourselves. Then we can open our eyes and see. See that the fence is gone and Jesus is beckoning. Toward or away. Those are the only options.

“Almost may count in horseshoes and hand grenades, but with the Master, it is just as good as a never.”

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